Highlights of actions taken by the RI Board of Directors

The fourth and final meeting of the 2008-09 RI Board of Directors was held on 12–17 June 2009 in Dublin, Ireland. The first meeting of the 2009-10 RI Board was held on 25 June 2009 in Birmingham, England. At these meetings the Board reviewed reports from 15 committees and recorded 93 decisions.
June 2009 Board Meeting Highlights

Club and district matters

The Board regrouped clubs in District 3270 into two new districts effective 1 July 2010: District 3271 (Pakistan—provinces of Sindh and Baluchistan) and District 3272 (Pakistan—provinces of Punjab NWFP including capital area of Islamabad, and the country of Afghanistan). The Board agreed that the Rotary clubs in Kosovo and former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (in District 2481) shall be non-districted, effective 1 July 2011.

The Board adopted a new membership slogan for use in enhancing RI’s focus on membership growth and retention: “Each Rotarian: Reach One, Keep One.”

RI administration and finances

In discussing RI’s strategic plan, the Board agreed to adopt a quantifiable global membership goal in support of the association’s priority to expand membership globally, and asked the Membership Development and Retention Committee to consider membership benchmarks for review at the Board’s November 2009 meeting.

In preparation for the 2010 Council on Legislation, the Board requested conveners of Rotary institutes to schedule a separate half-day session for Council representatives and alternates to discuss the operation and procedures of the Council. The substance of Council proposals are to be discussed in institute plenary sessions.

The Board designated the conveners, dates, and meeting places for RI director nominating committees that will meet in September 2009 to select directors-nominee for election at the 2010 RI (Montreal) Convention. Directors will be selected from 2009-10 zones 4, 6A, 10A, 13, 22, 26, 29, and 30.

The Board amended its policy regarding the reimbursement of spouse expenses as follows: Any spouse whose attendance at a meeting, event or other activity is fully or partially funded by RI shall fulfill the duties and obligations for that meeting, event or activity as established in the RI constitutional documents, the Rotary Code of Policies, or official program for the meeting, event or activity. Funded travelers who fail to fulfill these duties and responsibilities will not be reimbursed for their expenses and shall return to RI all amounts paid to them or on their behalf by RI in connection with the travel.

RI programs, communications and awards

The Board extended the duration of the “New Generations Exchange” part of the Youth Exchange program to up to three months.

The Board amended its policy regarding international travel by youth to prohibit individual Rotarians, clubs, or districts from undertaking an alternative youth exchange program structure that circumvents current RI youth protection policies. These policies will now apply to all minors attending the International Assembly, RI Convention host organizing committee activities, and to all official RI and TRF meetings.

Rotarian Action Groups must now first seek authorization from the RI Board before requesting cooperation of districts, clubs, or Rotarians for any purpose. The Board also placed a moratorium on reviewing new Rotarian Action Groups applications until its January 2010 meeting.

The Board noted that RI has received cash and District Designated Funds of US$81.8 million toward the total challenge of raising US$200 million to match US$355 million in polio eradication challenge grants received from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

International meetings

The Board tentatively selected São Paulo, Brazil as the site for the 2015 RI Convention.
July 2009 Board Meeting Highlights

The Board welcomed the appointment of Eric E. Lacoste Adamson as 2009-10 RI vice-president, Michael Colasurdo, Sr. as 2009-10 treasurer, and elected José Alfredo Sepúlveda as chair of its executive committee.

The Board formally ratified President Kenny’s appointment of Gustavo Gross C., Lynn A. Hammond, Ashok M. Mahajan, and Wilfrid J. Wilkinson as Rotary Foundation trustees.

On recommendation of President Kenny, the Board established the 2009-10 RI committees and resource groups, and approved their terms of reference.

The Board agreed that zones 2, 8, 11, 15, 19, 21, 24, and 33 shall select committees in 2009-10 to nominate RI directors for election at the 2011 RI convention.

The Board confirmed the 2009-10 RI budget with revenues of US$87.9 million and expenses of US$87.3 million.

The Board approved The Rotary Foundation’s 2009-10 budget of US$67.3 million for all Foundation programs, with expenditures coming from unrestricted Annual Programs Fund contributions.