Dear Rotarians,

I was handed a hard copy of email by DG Datuk Latip last week, which I shall only reproduce the relevant parts, which contains the good news as follows:-

“Dear Hoe-Beng,

We were sorry that you were unable to be in Birmingham for the RLI Annual Convention Meeting because we announced that you are a recipient of one of the three RLI Pioneer Awards for 2009. Unfortunatly, DG Edward could not make the breakfast meeting and our Executive Director Mike Rabasca will work out getting the award plaque to you.

The award was given to you because your initiated RLI in South East asia and assisted in developing and strengthening RLI throughout the region, from Taiwan to the border of Thailand. We value your continued work for RLI and hope you can be at a future Convention where we can personally recognize your achievements.”

Congratulations PDG Fong Hoe Beng!

Chia Cheng Wee, PP PHF
District Secretary (Meetings) / Club Secretary,
Rotary Club of A’Famosa Malacca, Malaysia,
Rotary International District 3310.