Calling all RYLA 2008 participants.

If you did not go up in the air balloon because of poor
weather conditions, here is another opportunity to do
so. Please let us know as soon as possible!


From: fancie tan
Date: Jul 27, 2009 2:18 PM
Subject: Hot Air Baloons on 2nd August 2009 -7am to 9am

Dear all,

The hotair balloons will be down on 31st and 1st August at Kotaraya carpark ( in btween Puteri and Menara Ansar) for the 6th JB arts Festival and the pilot Faisal agreed to have one session on Sunday, 2nd August 2009 at kotaraya specially for RYLA 2008 participants who miss to ride on in Tanjung Sedili last December.

Please inform the students and let me know asap .

PP Fancy Tan