See the online coverage of the RI Convention

Rotary International News — 12 June 2009
Attendees enjoy the 2008 RI Convention in Los Angeles. Don’t miss out on this year’s convention, visit the RI Web site for continual coverage. Rotary Images/Alyce Henson

From 18 to 25 June, get a glimpse of Rotary’s international spirit of fellowship and humanitarian service through the online coverage of the RI Convention and preconvention events, including articles, photos, and videos. Also read what Mia Farrow, Jane Goodall, and others say at the plenary sessions and other events.

The convention, which takes place 21-24 June in Birmingham, England, celebrates the accomplishments of the family of Rotary.

Preconvention events begin 18 June and include the Rotary World Peace Symposium, with keynote speaker Desmond Tutu.

New this year, get convention updates on RI’s social networking sites. As in the past, special editions of the Weekly Update will be sent out during the convention. Sign up now for this free newsletter.

Key speeches from Rotary leaders and reports from the treasurer and general secretary will be available online during and immediately after the convention.

Be a part of Rotary’s biggest event, the RI Convention.