Dear Rotarian:

I am writing on behalf of RI President D.K. Lee to spread awareness about the Rotary Fellowships program and its many benefits.

Rotary Fellowships improve membership retention and expansion by providing ways for Rotarians, Rotarian spouses and Rotaractors from around the world who share an interest in a specific vocational or recreational activity to interact and enhance their Rotary experience. They are a fun and easy way to become involved in a global Rotary community.

Membership in a Rotary Fellowship is generally inexpensive and easy to obtain. Some fellowships are actually free to join. Not only do Rotary Fellowships allow Rotarians to pursue their interest in a particular hobby or profession, but they also create opportunities for international friendships, fun gatherings at the RI Convention, and unique service projects.

One of the best ways to promote Rotary Fellowships is at the district level. Recently, the RI Board of Directors reevaluated the role of district Rotary Fellowships chairs and amended Rotary policy to codify their recommended roles and responsibilities. For your information, I am copying the excerpt from the Rotary Code of Policies which defines these roles and responsibilities:

Rotary Code of Policies Article 21.060.

District Rotary Fellowships Committee
It is recommended that governors appoint a district Rotary Fellowships committee with a chair and at least three members to be responsible for encouraging participation in Rotary Fellowships among the clubs of the district.
District governors should appoint a Rotarian who is a member of a Rotary Fellowship to serve as the district Rotary Fellowships chair to coordinate the following activities within the district:

  • Schedule club visits to present information on Rotary Fellowships.
  • Invite current fellowship members within the district to attend presentations.
  • Communicate with individual fellowship officers listed in the Official Directory and the Global Networking Groups Directory to gather information on upcoming events and publicize these in the district governor’s newsletter and/or the district Web site.
  • Arrange for a presentation during the district conference highlighting Rotary Fellowship activities within the district and obtain booth space to exhibit at the district conference.
  • Distribute the electronic flyer for Rotary Fellowships to Rotarians in the district and encourage them to contact these groups regarding prospective membership.

If your district does not currently have a Rotary Fellowships chair, please consult with one another to appoint someone now who may serve out the remainder of the year and perhaps continue next year as well.  Please share your district Rotary Fellowships chair’s appointment information with RI’s Data Services department at To learn more about Rotary Fellowships, please read the attached flyer and visit

Best regards,
Kathryn Nichols
Programs and Presidential Initiatives / PD210
Rotary International

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