Club treasurers and Rotary Foundation committee chairs now can go to Member Access for all of their online Foundation contribution reports. In addition, club presidents and club secretaries can register these two new roles for their clubs on Member Access.

In addition, recent Member Access changes now allow Major Gift advisers, annual giving strategic advisers, and zone challenge coordinators to see Foundation contribution reports. These reports include information about each district’s and club’s Annual Programs Fund, Permanent Fund, and restricted giving contributions, including totals from the month, year to date, and previous year’s totals.

Also available on Member Access is the club recognition summary, which shows all Rotarians’ recognition totals, including how many points they have to transfer, and the club’s all-time giving information from the charter date.

Other reports include the SHARE report, which details the District Designated Fund for each district, and the polio challenge report, which shows clubs’ progress with this year’s polio eradication fundraising goals.

Basic information about Foundation contributions per district can be viewed at

(Taken from Rotary International News)